Tutors in Saint-Lambert

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  • From $20 /hr
  • Saint-Lambert
Novem tutors (mathematics, French, English, chemistry, physics, and history.)
| Introducing Novem, specialized tutoring in math, French, English, chemistry, physics, and history. Our experienced tutors provide personalized, flexible sessions to overcome challenges, reinforce skills, and excel. Trust, interactive teaching, and student-centered approach are our focus. Individual & group options available. Contact us for a meeting.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Saint-Lambert
Novem tutors (mathematics, French, English, chemistry, physics, and history.)
| Introducing Novem, specialized tutoring in math, French, English, chemistry, physics, and history. Our experienced tutors provide personalized, flexible sessions to overcome challenges, reinforce skills, and excel. Trust, interactive teaching, and student-centered approach are our focus. Individual & group options available. Contact us for a meeting.
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From $20 per hour \
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Tutors in Saint-Lambert

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