Tutors in Boucherville

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Alicia L.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Boucherville
I have a burning passion for training and would love to help your child succeed!
| Hi! My name is Alicia and I am currently expending my interest regarding teaching / training other individuals! I have a lot of experience helping the younger generation with their homeworks! I have a younger brother who I currently help on a daily basis, I overrall helped atleast 4-5 childrens with their homeworks all having successful comebacks (A or B scores)! I also trained 20 new employees at my last headoffice position and also created powerpoints for the training which are still being used !
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Boucherville
I have a burning passion for training and would love to help your child succeed!
| Hi! My name is Alicia and I am currently expending my interest regarding teaching / training other individuals! I have a lot of experience helping the younger generation with their homeworks! I have a younger brother who I currently help on a daily basis, I overrall helped atleast 4-5 childrens with their homeworks all having successful comebacks (A or B scores)! I also trained 20 new employees at my last headoffice position and also created powerpoints for the training which are still being used !
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From $25 per hour \
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Tutors in Boucherville

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