Pet Care in Greenfield Park

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Amanda M.
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
Responsible dog walker and petsitter
| I love animals and really enjoying being around them, I’ve taken excellent care of my dog since I was 12. I am a very responsible person and love implementing myself into jobs that allows for myself to feel rewarded by work that simplifies someone else’s life while feeling happy and working with animals allows for that.
... more
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
Responsible dog walker and petsitter
| I love animals and really enjoying being around them, I’ve taken excellent care of my dog since I was 12. I am a very responsible person and love implementing myself into jobs that allows for myself to feel rewarded by work that simplifies someone else’s life while feeling happy and working with animals allows for that.
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From $10 \
Isabelle D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
1 Verification
Lifelong Pet Lover Looking to Give a Hand to Pet Owners in Need
| Hi! My name is Isabelle and, except for right now, there hasn't been a time where I haven't had a pet. Growing up, I had multiple dogs and cats in my childhood home. I grew up with a massive Bernese Mountain Dog sleeping, and taking most of the room, on my bed. Even now, I am guaranteed to be spending time with the household dog or cat at a dinner party. The only reason I don't have a pet at the moment is because my apartment doesn't allow for one - which is why I turned to this platform. I am offering a service to pet owners but getting so much back at the same time. It's a true win win situation. Looking forward to meeting you and your pets!
... more
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
Lifelong Pet Lover Looking to Give a Hand to Pet Owners in Need
| Hi! My name is Isabelle and, except for right now, there hasn't been a time where I haven't had a pet. Growing up, I had multiple dogs and cats in my childhood home. I grew up with a massive Bernese Mountain Dog sleeping, and taking most of the room, on my bed. Even now, I am guaranteed to be spending time with the household dog or cat at a dinner party. The only reason I don't have a pet at the moment is because my apartment doesn't allow for one - which is why I turned to this platform. I am offering a service to pet owners but getting so much back at the same time. It's a true win win situation. Looking forward to meeting you and your pets!
... more
From $10 \
Lynne R.
  • From $15
  • Greenfield Park
South Shore Pet Care
| Hi there, my name is Lynne. I am an experienced pet owner available for cat and dog care. Your pet can stay in the comfort and familiarity of their own home during times you are unavailable to tend to them.
... more
  • From $15
  • Greenfield Park
South Shore Pet Care
| Hi there, my name is Lynne. I am an experienced pet owner available for cat and dog care. Your pet can stay in the comfort and familiarity of their own home during times you are unavailable to tend to them.
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From $15 \
Amanda C.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
1 Verification
I am Amanda,I have had pets all my life
| I have taken care of pets all my life. Right now I have a cat and a dog and a ferret. I love animals. I would take care of your pet as if it was my own animal. Hoping to hear from you. Have a great day
... more
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
I am Amanda,I have had pets all my life
| I have taken care of pets all my life. Right now I have a cat and a dog and a ferret. I love animals. I would take care of your pet as if it was my own animal. Hoping to hear from you. Have a great day
... more
From $10 \
María Paula M.
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
animal lover, give them care and love
| I am a person who loves animals and I love spending time with them, I am not a professional in training them but he likes to try and it has always turned out well. It would be a pleasure to take care of your pet and give it the necessary care and love. I have been taking care of cats for more than 5 years, I was also a dog walker for 1 year. Since I was young I was in the company of animals, especially cats.
... more
  • From $10
  • Greenfield Park
animal lover, give them care and love
| I am a person who loves animals and I love spending time with them, I am not a professional in training them but he likes to try and it has always turned out well. It would be a pleasure to take care of your pet and give it the necessary care and love. I have been taking care of cats for more than 5 years, I was also a dog walker for 1 year. Since I was young I was in the company of animals, especially cats.
... more
From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Greenfield Park is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Greenfield Park

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