Pet Care in Lemoyne

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Alyssa G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
1 Verification
Animal lover with years of experience
| I have my own pets (7 year old dog, 10 year old cat) that I care for. I have experience watching animals who are elderly and need regular medical treatment (giving medication, cleaning ears, etc). I have experience with rats and hamsters, and am comfortable with all pets.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
Animal lover with years of experience
| I have my own pets (7 year old dog, 10 year old cat) that I care for. I have experience watching animals who are elderly and need regular medical treatment (giving medication, cleaning ears, etc). I have experience with rats and hamsters, and am comfortable with all pets.
... more
From $10 \
Keely R.
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
Very energetic and love all time spent with one or multiple animal My zip 17043
| I have walked, fed, and sat with all sizes of animals for hours, days, and, weeks. I LOVE animals of all ages, weights, no needs, or special needs. My zip is 17043
... more
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
Very energetic and love all time spent with one or multiple animal My zip 17043
| I have walked, fed, and sat with all sizes of animals for hours, days, and, weeks. I LOVE animals of all ages, weights, no needs, or special needs. My zip is 17043
... more
From $10 \
Jean francois d.
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
im energique with alot of free ####..### are my best friends
| i have 1 dog right now use to have #..### them since they are baby..still use to have a mini farm with one of my friends..chicken and veal..animails are my friends'' j'ai toute les sortes de gâteries pour chiens '' ;) et j'habite Lemoyne derriere l'hôpital Charles Lemoyne tout pres du mcdo st lambert ;) le overnight chez moi inclus les gâteries 1 marche et je sors votre chien au 2h environ ;)
... more
  • From $10
  • Lemoyne
im energique with alot of free ####..### are my best friends
| i have 1 dog right now use to have #..### them since they are baby..still use to have a mini farm with one of my friends..chicken and veal..animails are my friends'' j'ai toute les sortes de gâteries pour chiens '' ;) et j'habite Lemoyne derriere l'hôpital Charles Lemoyne tout pres du mcdo st lambert ;) le overnight chez moi inclus les gâteries 1 marche et je sors votre chien au 2h environ ;)
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Lemoyne

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