Pet Care in Anjou

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When do you need pet care?
Julianne T.
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Pet sitting, feeding, and transportation.
| Hi my name is Julianne, 21 years old. I work at a pet store with reptiles, small mammals, birds, and fish for one year. Ive had animals myself since I was a little girl and I know how hard and time-consuming it can get. I’m here to help out anyone who needs help.
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  • From $10
  • Anjou
Pet sitting, feeding, and transportation.
| Hi my name is Julianne, 21 years old. I work at a pet store with reptiles, small mammals, birds, and fish for one year. Ive had animals myself since I was a little girl and I know how hard and time-consuming it can get. I’m here to help out anyone who needs help.
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From $10 \
Alessandro G.
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Hi there! I am a very passionate about wildlife and nature.
| I have done this for approx one year now. I had one client whom entrusted me with his dog for 1 year. I had to give him 3 walks and feed him twice every day.
... more
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Hi there! I am a very passionate about wildlife and nature.
| I have done this for approx one year now. I had one client whom entrusted me with his dog for 1 year. I had to give him 3 walks and feed him twice every day.
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From $10 \
Mohamed E.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Anjou
1 Verification
Your Pets are My Passion
| Hi there, My name is Mohamed, a former accountant for 14 years but my passion was always animals. I have long term experience with cats and dogs for 10 years, I had more than 10 Cat (Persian, Siamese, Egyptian Mau and Shirazi). I am used to big dogs with high energy level as I had 2 cane corso. I have experience with sick animals, my cane corso Dolly suffered from hip dysplasia, I had to carry her 2/3 times a day to go for a walk as she was unable to climb the stairs, we went through Physical and hydro therapy for a long time to fully recover. I am available to come to your home anytime till 14- August, From Mid August I'll be available in the evening after 18 h and on Saturdays at any time according to your preference. How to contact me: Please feel free to text.
... more
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Your Pets are My Passion
| Hi there, My name is Mohamed, a former accountant for 14 years but my passion was always animals. I have long term experience with cats and dogs for 10 years, I had more than 10 Cat (Persian, Siamese, Egyptian Mau and Shirazi). I am used to big dogs with high energy level as I had 2 cane corso. I have experience with sick animals, my cane corso Dolly suffered from hip dysplasia, I had to carry her 2/3 times a day to go for a walk as she was unable to climb the stairs, we went through Physical and hydro therapy for a long time to fully recover. I am available to come to your home anytime till 14- August, From Mid August I'll be available in the evening after 18 h and on Saturdays at any time according to your preference. How to contact me: Please feel free to text.
... more
From $10 \
Roy M.
  • From $10
  • Anjou
A charming and caring pet owner and lover
| I am a pet lover whose ownership to many pets has given me an amazing experience in the field of taking care of pets.I basically love pets and will go out of the way and above to give the best
... more
  • From $10
  • Anjou
A charming and caring pet owner and lover
| I am a pet lover whose ownership to many pets has given me an amazing experience in the field of taking care of pets.I basically love pets and will go out of the way and above to give the best
... more
From $10 \
Alyssa N.
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Salutations! My name is Alyssa, I'm 21 and I've been an animal lover since I was a young girl!
| My mom adopted a cat before I was born and we had her with us until she died of old age when I was 19. My stepdad has a big dog that I love so much and take care of regularly. I've already been hired on multiple occasions to do housesitting/pet sitting for 5 cats and 2 dogs as a live-in for whole weekends. I'm bilingual and I am looking for ONE-TIME jobs or less than 10 hours/week. Thank you very much for your consideration! Have a good day!
... more
  • From $10
  • Anjou
Salutations! My name is Alyssa, I'm 21 and I've been an animal lover since I was a young girl!
| My mom adopted a cat before I was born and we had her with us until she died of old age when I was 19. My stepdad has a big dog that I love so much and take care of regularly. I've already been hired on multiple occasions to do housesitting/pet sitting for 5 cats and 2 dogs as a live-in for whole weekends. I'm bilingual and I am looking for ONE-TIME jobs or less than 10 hours/week. Thank you very much for your consideration! Have a good day!
... more
From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Anjou is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Anjou

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