Child Care in Anjou

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Oluwadamilola N.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Anjou
1 Verification
Child caregiver
| Ability to support children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Anjou
Child caregiver
| Ability to support children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth
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From $16 per hour \
Lisandra S.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Anjou
1 Verification
Patient and reliable Nanny with teacher training
| I'm an patient and reliable person with a good sense of humor. I enjoy to work with kids and I have been trained as a teacher so I can help with the cognitive development of the kids according to their age. I love storytelling and singing. I can clean the house, cooking meals, prepare kids for bath and bedtime. As Iam an adaptable person I can adjust to the clients' schedule and needs.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Anjou
Patient and reliable Nanny with teacher training
| I'm an patient and reliable person with a good sense of humor. I enjoy to work with kids and I have been trained as a teacher so I can help with the cognitive development of the kids according to their age. I love storytelling and singing. I can clean the house, cooking meals, prepare kids for bath and bedtime. As Iam an adaptable person I can adjust to the clients' schedule and needs.
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From $16 per hour \
Sandra yarit c.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Anjou
Niñera latina con habilidades de comunicación efectiva.
| He trabajado durante muchos años en el cuidado a niños pequeños, trabajé en una guardería y me encantan los niños, soy una persona preparada y estudiada de modo que tengo habilidades de comunicación y entretenimiento efectivas, me gusta conversar.
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Anjou
Niñera latina con habilidades de comunicación efectiva.
| He trabajado durante muchos años en el cuidado a niños pequeños, trabajé en una guardería y me encantan los niños, soy una persona preparada y estudiada de modo que tengo habilidades de comunicación y entretenimiento efectivas, me gusta conversar.
... more
From $30 per hour \
Chidochashe M.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Anjou
1 Verification
Nanny I'm a kind, compassionate, and caring person .
| My background caring for infants, toddlers, and youth started when I worked as an English teacher at a pre-schools in China. I would twork with private families during the weekends. I've been working in childcare for the last 5 years. In my free time, I enjoy Reading book, site seeing, singing and cooking. I'm looking forward to finding the next family that l'II be working with long-term. It's important that we both feel we're the right match for one another, so I appreciate you taking the time to read through my bio. I hope we connect soon!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Anjou
Nanny I'm a kind, compassionate, and caring person .
| My background caring for infants, toddlers, and youth started when I worked as an English teacher at a pre-schools in China. I would twork with private families during the weekends. I've been working in childcare for the last 5 years. In my free time, I enjoy Reading book, site seeing, singing and cooking. I'm looking forward to finding the next family that l'II be working with long-term. It's important that we both feel we're the right match for one another, so I appreciate you taking the time to read through my bio. I hope we connect soon!
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Child Care in Anjou

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