Pet Care in Terrebonne

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Bianca G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Terrebonne
1 Verification
Proud Dog Owner
| Hello! I hope that you would choose me as your pet-sitter because I love animals and I have had dogs and cats most of my life. I have helped in the daily care and training of my own pets and I have also cared for pets while nannying. Best regards, Bianca
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  • From $10
  • Terrebonne
Proud Dog Owner
| Hello! I hope that you would choose me as your pet-sitter because I love animals and I have had dogs and cats most of my life. I have helped in the daily care and training of my own pets and I have also cared for pets while nannying. Best regards, Bianca
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From $10 \
Eryka L.
  • From $10
  • Terrebonne
i have two dogs of my own so taking care of pets really pleases me! i love animals.
| Hi my name is Eryka! i am 23. I am an active and energetic person. I enjoy painting and drawing as hobbies. Event planning is a great strength of mine as I am very creative and love to find different ways to do things. I was a part of the swim team in high school and still to this day love the sport; as it brings me self-determination. I have two dogs of my own so taking care of pets really pleases me! I love animals.
... more
  • From $10
  • Terrebonne
i have two dogs of my own so taking care of pets really pleases me! i love animals.
| Hi my name is Eryka! i am 23. I am an active and energetic person. I enjoy painting and drawing as hobbies. Event planning is a great strength of mine as I am very creative and love to find different ways to do things. I was a part of the swim team in high school and still to this day love the sport; as it brings me self-determination. I have two dogs of my own so taking care of pets really pleases me! I love animals.
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From $10 \
Erika P.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Terrebonne
1 Verification
Animal lover from birth
| Love animals and giving a helping hand . Animals derserve to be threated with love and care
... more
  • From $15
  • Terrebonne
Animal lover from birth
| Love animals and giving a helping hand . Animals derserve to be threated with love and care
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Terrebonne

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