Special Needs Care in Terrebonne

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Krystal G.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Terrebonne
1 Verification
Experienced nanny and special care counsellor
| I have been working with a child aged 12 on the autism spectrum for 4 years. I also have been working one on one with a child who is 9 years old and is also on the autism spectrum with ADHD and tourette’s. I am a stagier at a special needs/behavioural difficulties highschool and I am studying to become a special care counsellor.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Terrebonne
Experienced nanny and special care counsellor
| I have been working with a child aged 12 on the autism spectrum for 4 years. I also have been working one on one with a child who is 9 years old and is also on the autism spectrum with ADHD and tourette’s. I am a stagier at a special needs/behavioural difficulties highschool and I am studying to become a special care counsellor.
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From $16 per hour \
Diehl J.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Terrebonne
Special Care Counsellor
| My name is Diehl, I graduated from Vanier College in Special Care Counselling two years ago, and I worked in a daycare with children with special needs shortly after. I am currently in Montreal's University, and I also work in the "CRDITED of Montreal" (Centre de Réadaption en déficience intellectuel et en trouble envahissant du développement). I would like to work with different families in order to have more experience and because I love what I do as a special care counsellor.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Terrebonne
Special Care Counsellor
| My name is Diehl, I graduated from Vanier College in Special Care Counselling two years ago, and I worked in a daycare with children with special needs shortly after. I am currently in Montreal's University, and I also work in the "CRDITED of Montreal" (Centre de Réadaption en déficience intellectuel et en trouble envahissant du développement). I would like to work with different families in order to have more experience and because I love what I do as a special care counsellor.
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From $12 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Terrebonne

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