Special Needs Care in Mascouche

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Melina S.
1 Verification
  • From $50 /hr
  • Mascouche
1 Verification
Experienced Special Education Technician Specializing in Individualized Child Development
| Hello! I’m Melina, and I’ve been working in the field of special education for ten years, focusing on supporting the diverse needs of children. I have experience with children aged 2-5 who face a variety of challenges, including learning disabilities, physical and cognitive impairments, speech disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. I specialize in creating tailored learning plans that foster independence, autonomy, and inclusion, using evidence-based interventions that consider each child’s unique strengths, interests, and challenges. I’m also skilled in managing crisis situations and implementing behavior modification techniques, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for your child. Collaboration is key to my approach—I work closely with families, multidisciplinary teams, and other professionals to ensure every child I work with reaches their fullest potential. I truly enjoy building meaningful relationships with the children and families I support, and I would love the opportunity to help your child grow and thrive!
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Mascouche
Experienced Special Education Technician Specializing in Individualized Child Development
| Hello! I’m Melina, and I’ve been working in the field of special education for ten years, focusing on supporting the diverse needs of children. I have experience with children aged 2-5 who face a variety of challenges, including learning disabilities, physical and cognitive impairments, speech disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. I specialize in creating tailored learning plans that foster independence, autonomy, and inclusion, using evidence-based interventions that consider each child’s unique strengths, interests, and challenges. I’m also skilled in managing crisis situations and implementing behavior modification techniques, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for your child. Collaboration is key to my approach—I work closely with families, multidisciplinary teams, and other professionals to ensure every child I work with reaches their fullest potential. I truly enjoy building meaningful relationships with the children and families I support, and I would love the opportunity to help your child grow and thrive!
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From $50 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Mascouche

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