Special Needs Care in Westmount

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Eliab U.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Westmount
1 Verification
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I am reliable caring and loving person I am gentle and love helping people especially those who have special needs. I want to provide with comfort and security of having trustworthy.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Westmount
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I am reliable caring and loving person I am gentle and love helping people especially those who have special needs. I want to provide with comfort and security of having trustworthy.
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From $20 per hour \
Erica L.
1 Verification
  • From $50 /hr
  • Westmount
1 Verification
Autism / Behavior specialist
| I graduated from the Applied Behavior Analysis – Autism program in January 2021 with honors from Capilano University (4.3 GPA).Previously I graduated from special care counselling (2017). I then went to florida and received one year of training working under the supervision of 8 PhD level Behavior analyst practitioners, to accumulate my hours toward my BCaBA certification. I successfully completed the hours and am now back in Montreal. I have over 10 years of experience working with individuals between the ages of 4-30 with a variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities, and tons of experience with individuals with autism. My rate is 50$/hr, non negotiable. I offer Behavior therapy, tutoring of academic subjects, social skills training, community outings, and working on life skills / employability skills. I have a car and can use it to pick up clients / take them on outings.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Westmount
Autism / Behavior specialist
| I graduated from the Applied Behavior Analysis – Autism program in January 2021 with honors from Capilano University (4.3 GPA).Previously I graduated from special care counselling (2017). I then went to florida and received one year of training working under the supervision of 8 PhD level Behavior analyst practitioners, to accumulate my hours toward my BCaBA certification. I successfully completed the hours and am now back in Montreal. I have over 10 years of experience working with individuals between the ages of 4-30 with a variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities, and tons of experience with individuals with autism. My rate is 50$/hr, non negotiable. I offer Behavior therapy, tutoring of academic subjects, social skills training, community outings, and working on life skills / employability skills. I have a car and can use it to pick up clients / take them on outings.
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From $50 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Westmount

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