Special Needs Care in Unionville

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Kelsey K.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Unionville
1 Verification
Caring, knowledgeable, compassionate child care/special needs care provider
| I have completed a year of nursing school and am now in psychology and disability studies. I have 10 years of child care experience and 3 of specifically working with children who have special needs (after one year I realized this was my passion and transferred programs at school!) I have volunteered in special needs classrooms since I was 12 (8 years). For 2 summers now, I have worked as a one on one inclusion counsellor for special needs children and have continued to work doing respite care with my campers!
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Unionville
Caring, knowledgeable, compassionate child care/special needs care provider
| I have completed a year of nursing school and am now in psychology and disability studies. I have 10 years of child care experience and 3 of specifically working with children who have special needs (after one year I realized this was my passion and transferred programs at school!) I have volunteered in special needs classrooms since I was 12 (8 years). For 2 summers now, I have worked as a one on one inclusion counsellor for special needs children and have continued to work doing respite care with my campers!
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Unionville

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