Pet Care in Unionville

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Rachel G.
  • From $10
  • Unionville
Animal Lover & Walker
| Hello! My name is Rachel and I care very deeply for many animals! I am a true pet lover as I also have a dog, and used to have multiple hamsters and birds. I will ensure the correct care for your pets, assuring you that they will be properly be fed and given water at respectable intervals. My schedule is very flexible as I would love to spend my time attending to your pet's needs.
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  • From $10
  • Unionville
Animal Lover & Walker
| Hello! My name is Rachel and I care very deeply for many animals! I am a true pet lover as I also have a dog, and used to have multiple hamsters and birds. I will ensure the correct care for your pets, assuring you that they will be properly be fed and given water at respectable intervals. My schedule is very flexible as I would love to spend my time attending to your pet's needs.
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From $10 \
Elizabeth G.
  • From $10
  • Unionville
Experienced pet sitter providing loving care for your animal.
| I've had 2 wonderful pet companions in my life time. Blackie, who is a beautiful, loving female poodle was with me for 15 years, and Jupiter, a spirited rescue white male Bichon who was with me for 9 years. When Jupiter was put to sleep, I did not get another dog. I started to pet sit for my friends because I love dogs and missed having one. I relate well to animals and treat them with the kindness and love that they deserve. Animals give their love unconditionally and they are a joy to be around. I would walk the dogs at their regularly scheduled time and stay at the pet owner's residence so that the pet could stay in their home environment. I provide dog sitting and dog walking services. I am retired so I am available on an as-needed basis. I'd love to look after your dog when you cannot.
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  • From $10
  • Unionville
Experienced pet sitter providing loving care for your animal.
| I've had 2 wonderful pet companions in my life time. Blackie, who is a beautiful, loving female poodle was with me for 15 years, and Jupiter, a spirited rescue white male Bichon who was with me for 9 years. When Jupiter was put to sleep, I did not get another dog. I started to pet sit for my friends because I love dogs and missed having one. I relate well to animals and treat them with the kindness and love that they deserve. Animals give their love unconditionally and they are a joy to be around. I would walk the dogs at their regularly scheduled time and stay at the pet owner's residence so that the pet could stay in their home environment. I provide dog sitting and dog walking services. I am retired so I am available on an as-needed basis. I'd love to look after your dog when you cannot.
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From $10 \
Kaylie T.
  • From $10
  • Unionville
Pet caregiver (where your pets have fun with me!)
| I will make sure your pet has a fun time walking around your neighbourhood.
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  • From $10
  • Unionville
Pet caregiver (where your pets have fun with me!)
| I will make sure your pet has a fun time walking around your neighbourhood.
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From $10 \
Katya V.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Unionville
1 Verification
Pet sitter, caregiver
| Having grown up with at least 3 pets in the house at all times (dogs, cats, fish, bunnies, hamsters), Ive grown to be very knowledgeable about animal care. I truly love all animals and would be delighted to help feed, walk, groom, entertain or simply watch your pets while you are busy!
... more
  • From $15
  • Unionville
Pet sitter, caregiver
| Having grown up with at least 3 pets in the house at all times (dogs, cats, fish, bunnies, hamsters), Ive grown to be very knowledgeable about animal care. I truly love all animals and would be delighted to help feed, walk, groom, entertain or simply watch your pets while you are busy!
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Unionville

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