Pet Care in Deux-Montagnes

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Kimberly C.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $10
  • Deux-Montagnes
1 Verification Hired once
Pets are my passion! Professional caregiver with extensive experience.
| Hello! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit better! I have many years working with animals in volunteer settings (vet clinics) and professionally. I have volunteered in animal shelters here in Canada and while abroad in Nepal, Mexico and Thailand. I have worked as a professional dog walker/animal sitter for over 8 years in the Montreal and Ottawa regions. I have experience with basic obedience training, pet first aid and administering medication (including insulin). I look forward to welcoming your furry family member into my care and will treat them with the love and respect that every animal deserves. I am open to jogging your dog if they need a bit more exercise than walking. Have a great day!
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  • From $10
  • Deux-Montagnes
Pets are my passion! Professional caregiver with extensive experience.
| Hello! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit better! I have many years working with animals in volunteer settings (vet clinics) and professionally. I have volunteered in animal shelters here in Canada and while abroad in Nepal, Mexico and Thailand. I have worked as a professional dog walker/animal sitter for over 8 years in the Montreal and Ottawa regions. I have experience with basic obedience training, pet first aid and administering medication (including insulin). I look forward to welcoming your furry family member into my care and will treat them with the love and respect that every animal deserves. I am open to jogging your dog if they need a bit more exercise than walking. Have a great day!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Deux-Montagnes

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