Pet Care in L'Ile-Bizard

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Shirley C.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
1 Verification Hired once
Mature woman; flexible with time and lots of love to give your fur babies.
| I have had cats as far back as childhood. I love them and have now 2 of my own (ages 20 and 7); at one time, I had 4 when I lived in the country. I have also done volunteer work for cats. I have had dogs for over 35 yrs.; at present, I have a Shih Tzu 11 yrs. old. I also feed a stray cat every night. If I could, I would own my own rescue farm for animals. I love all animals.
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  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
Mature woman; flexible with time and lots of love to give your fur babies.
| I have had cats as far back as childhood. I love them and have now 2 of my own (ages 20 and 7); at one time, I had 4 when I lived in the country. I have also done volunteer work for cats. I have had dogs for over 35 yrs.; at present, I have a Shih Tzu 11 yrs. old. I also feed a stray cat every night. If I could, I would own my own rescue farm for animals. I love all animals.
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From $10 \
Ashley R.
  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
19 year old looking to watch over animals for $$$
| I am a lover of animals, mainly cats and dogs, I have an elderly dog that I watch over when my parents are at work and my siblings are at school. I have taken care of my older sister's dog Bella in the past when I was younger, frequent walks, well fed, and lots of attention and care, and I do the same with my own dog. I am 19 years old and I'm looking to earn extra income aside from being a digital artist, and what better way to do that than to care for the one other thing I love most; animals.
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  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
19 year old looking to watch over animals for $$$
| I am a lover of animals, mainly cats and dogs, I have an elderly dog that I watch over when my parents are at work and my siblings are at school. I have taken care of my older sister's dog Bella in the past when I was younger, frequent walks, well fed, and lots of attention and care, and I do the same with my own dog. I am 19 years old and I'm looking to earn extra income aside from being a digital artist, and what better way to do that than to care for the one other thing I love most; animals.
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From $10 \
Shayna S.
  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
i have a background in grooming and dog obedience.
| i have 5 dogs and i have had several cats and rodents in my past there is no task too big or too small when it comes to our loved fur or scaled babies. i am here to bring you comfort and reassurance that your pet is well taken care of while you're away.
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  • From $10
  • L'Ile-Bizard
i have a background in grooming and dog obedience.
| i have 5 dogs and i have had several cats and rodents in my past there is no task too big or too small when it comes to our loved fur or scaled babies. i am here to bring you comfort and reassurance that your pet is well taken care of while you're away.
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From $10 \
Melissa V.
  • From $9
  • L'Ile-Bizard
I have been an animal lover for as long as I can remember. Animals is the path I am choosing to live my life in. I am studying in Animal Health Technology and have been volunteering for a Dog Adoption Center for 3 years now. I have pets of my own and have helped with friends' and family pets as well.
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  • From $9
  • L'Ile-Bizard
I have been an animal lover for as long as I can remember. Animals is the path I am choosing to live my life in. I am studying in Animal Health Technology and have been volunteering for a Dog Adoption Center for 3 years now. I have pets of my own and have helped with friends' and family pets as well.
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From $9 \
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Pet Care in L'Ile-Bizard

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