Pet Care in Dorval

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Sheena-Marie P.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $10
  • Dorval
1 Verification Hired once
CAT Sitter & Pet sitter, experience with animals of all types, former spca foster parent &volunteer.
| *** all prices negotiable I am an admitted Cat lover, I have two cats of my own and a dog, I usually do boarding and or sitting. I am also available to house-sit, water plants, feed Cats or fish or any pet you have. I have experience with many different breeds of animals, I have many references and currently work for the Clsc doing home care. Questions are welcomed, it is important to find the right fit for your pet. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks ! Just ask me! :)
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  • From $10
  • Dorval
CAT Sitter & Pet sitter, experience with animals of all types, former spca foster parent &volunteer.
| *** all prices negotiable I am an admitted Cat lover, I have two cats of my own and a dog, I usually do boarding and or sitting. I am also available to house-sit, water plants, feed Cats or fish or any pet you have. I have experience with many different breeds of animals, I have many references and currently work for the Clsc doing home care. Questions are welcomed, it is important to find the right fit for your pet. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks ! Just ask me! :)
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From $10 \
Helen B.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Dorval
1 Verification
Reliable pet sitter available Dorval
| Dog walking and overnight/ weekend sitting for dogs and cats for 5 years in Toronto Recently moved back to Montreal
... more
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Reliable pet sitter available Dorval
| Dog walking and overnight/ weekend sitting for dogs and cats for 5 years in Toronto Recently moved back to Montreal
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From $10 \
Mark L.
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Pet sitter and an animal lover - Dorval H9S
| My girl friend and I have owned many cats and dogs personally over the years and understand how to care for them properly. My girl friend has been taking care of a cat and dog for the last 2 years for various periods of time
... more
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Pet sitter and an animal lover - Dorval H9S
| My girl friend and I have owned many cats and dogs personally over the years and understand how to care for them properly. My girl friend has been taking care of a cat and dog for the last 2 years for various periods of time
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From $10 \
Ma.Teresa C.
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Animalover, petowner, mansbestfriend
| I myself is a pet lover. I pet cats and dogs more likely at home. For me pets are sublime means of distressing and could lift up your spirit in any means. For me my sunshine doesn’t come from the skies it comes from the love that’s in the dogs eyes. I treat them like my own child.
... more
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Animalover, petowner, mansbestfriend
| I myself is a pet lover. I pet cats and dogs more likely at home. For me pets are sublime means of distressing and could lift up your spirit in any means. For me my sunshine doesn’t come from the skies it comes from the love that’s in the dogs eyes. I treat them like my own child.
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From $10 \
Tonia N.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Dorval
1 Verification
Professional dog walker with 10+ years experience
| I am a professional dog walker with over 13 years experience. My company has been in business for over 8 years with many satisfied, regular clients. I have experience walking dogs of all sizes and all temperaments. There has never been a dog I refused to care for - i have experience with all kinds of aggression, territorial, and emotional issues. I was a volunteer at Animatch, a local dog rescue, for 5 over years where I would walk the dogs, feed them, clean kennels and administer medication. I am a trustworthy individual who adores animals. Any dog in my care is cared for as though it were my own. I have many solid references who will vouch for my professionalism, dedication and passion for animals.
... more
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Professional dog walker with 10+ years experience
| I am a professional dog walker with over 13 years experience. My company has been in business for over 8 years with many satisfied, regular clients. I have experience walking dogs of all sizes and all temperaments. There has never been a dog I refused to care for - i have experience with all kinds of aggression, territorial, and emotional issues. I was a volunteer at Animatch, a local dog rescue, for 5 over years where I would walk the dogs, feed them, clean kennels and administer medication. I am a trustworthy individual who adores animals. Any dog in my care is cared for as though it were my own. I have many solid references who will vouch for my professionalism, dedication and passion for animals.
... more
From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Dorval is between $12 and $16
Thalia L.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Dorval
1 Verification
Hi! I’m Thalia, I’m from Mexico and I love animals! , and I really love the company of them.
| My personality is active and I really enjoy to walk around in company with my dogs, in Mexico i participated in the rescues of many dogs and cats, i was in a little association for dogs with out home.
... more
  • From $10
  • Dorval
Hi! I’m Thalia, I’m from Mexico and I love animals! , and I really love the company of them.
| My personality is active and I really enjoy to walk around in company with my dogs, in Mexico i participated in the rescues of many dogs and cats, i was in a little association for dogs with out home.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Dorval

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