Child Care in Deux-Montagnes

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Claire F.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
1 Verification
Childcare, child minding
| Childcare skills comes natural to me. It is beyond watching. I have both the hard skills and soft skills. Along with that are interpersonal and transferable skills. I have 15 years of experiences in taking care of children, from newborns / infants and toddlers, to school age. I had experiences looking after newborn twins which gives me double the love and happiness. I also worked in a daycare / babysitting in a Jewish community with a team ( from the youngest we look after was 2 months old to 1 year old ). It’s a passion and with an equivalent amount of responsibility. I also studied PSW ( Personal Support Worker in Toronto / PAB .
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
Childcare, child minding
| Childcare skills comes natural to me. It is beyond watching. I have both the hard skills and soft skills. Along with that are interpersonal and transferable skills. I have 15 years of experiences in taking care of children, from newborns / infants and toddlers, to school age. I had experiences looking after newborn twins which gives me double the love and happiness. I also worked in a daycare / babysitting in a Jewish community with a team ( from the youngest we look after was 2 months old to 1 year old ). It’s a passion and with an equivalent amount of responsibility. I also studied PSW ( Personal Support Worker in Toronto / PAB .
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From $25 per hour \
Jasmine P.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
Jasmine,. 22 ans et adore les enfants.
| Bonjour je m'appelle Jasmine, j'ai travaillée 2 ans dans une garderie à la pouponnière et dans le groupe des 2-3 ans. J'adore les enfants et créer des liens avec eux.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
Jasmine,. 22 ans et adore les enfants.
| Bonjour je m'appelle Jasmine, j'ai travaillée 2 ans dans une garderie à la pouponnière et dans le groupe des 2-3 ans. J'adore les enfants et créer des liens avec eux.
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From $17 per hour \
Fiona W.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
University Student looking for part-time work
| I am an undergraduate student at McGill University studying in Kindergarten/Elementary education. I love working with children, and have experience working at a daycare as a pre-K teacher, as well as a nanny for a family.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Deux-Montagnes
University Student looking for part-time work
| I am an undergraduate student at McGill University studying in Kindergarten/Elementary education. I love working with children, and have experience working at a daycare as a pre-K teacher, as well as a nanny for a family.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Deux-Montagnes

When do you need child care?