Child Care in East Gwillimbury

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Adriana L.
  • From $15 /hr
  • East Gwillimbury
I am very family oriented and i would be really interested in looking after your children
| Hi, My name is Adriana. I am 29, and have a passion for child care. I am currently on leave from the early childhood education program at Centennial College, looking for a job in the childcare field. I have worked as a student teacher in the daycare environment. In my work experience I had worked with infants, toddlers, and early school age children. I am very social and friendly, and have a knack of connecting with children and adults, and am very family oriented and love pets. Child safety is always first on my mind and I am cool-headed in stressful situations. I am First Aid, and CPR certified. Please let me know if you will need further information. Adriana
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  • From $15 /hr
  • East Gwillimbury
I am very family oriented and i would be really interested in looking after your children
| Hi, My name is Adriana. I am 29, and have a passion for child care. I am currently on leave from the early childhood education program at Centennial College, looking for a job in the childcare field. I have worked as a student teacher in the daycare environment. In my work experience I had worked with infants, toddlers, and early school age children. I am very social and friendly, and have a knack of connecting with children and adults, and am very family oriented and love pets. Child safety is always first on my mind and I am cool-headed in stressful situations. I am First Aid, and CPR certified. Please let me know if you will need further information. Adriana
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in East Gwillimbury

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