Pet Care in East Gwillimbury

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Amy M.
  • From $10
  • East Gwillimbury
I love animals so much. They are my life. I just want a job that evolves all around animals.
| I have had 3 dogs throughout my life, so my whole life I have had a dog, my aunt has a dog and I will go see him and play with him everyday. We go for walks and I feed him and play with him lots.
... more
  • From $10
  • East Gwillimbury
I love animals so much. They are my life. I just want a job that evolves all around animals.
| I have had 3 dogs throughout my life, so my whole life I have had a dog, my aunt has a dog and I will go see him and play with him everyday. We go for walks and I feed him and play with him lots.
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From $10 \
Erin M.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • East Gwillimbury
1 Verification
I'm a caring and passionate pet sitter. I'll make sure that your pets are well cared for!
| I have been volunteering with the world famous Dog Tales for 1 year as a walker and groomer. I have also learned a basic level of dog training and cat care. I'm active, enthusiastic, and love to cuddle with pets who are OK with cuddles.
... more
  • From $20
  • East Gwillimbury
I'm a caring and passionate pet sitter. I'll make sure that your pets are well cared for!
| I have been volunteering with the world famous Dog Tales for 1 year as a walker and groomer. I have also learned a basic level of dog training and cat care. I'm active, enthusiastic, and love to cuddle with pets who are OK with cuddles.
... more
From $20 \
Jennifer B.
  • From $10
  • East Gwillimbury
No worries major pet mom
| 30plus yrs with dogs cats horses. Very caring easy going patient person. I would never put an animal in a harmful situation they all are treated as if they where my own ..
... more
  • From $10
  • East Gwillimbury
No worries major pet mom
| 30plus yrs with dogs cats horses. Very caring easy going patient person. I would never put an animal in a harmful situation they all are treated as if they where my own ..
... more
From $10 \
Sandra G.
1 Verification
  • From $35
  • East Gwillimbury
1 Verification
Cat lover, kind, patient, playful, respectful. Spanish mother language
| I had dogs since I was little. I cared for my daughter cat a sweet main coon boy since he was a kitten, he is now 4 years old; and I discovered the great connection and love I have for cats and dogs and birds, and general connection with animals and nature. I will love to gave you a hand with your cat care. I am a volunteer at Dog&Tales Sanctuary
... more
  • From $35
  • East Gwillimbury
Cat lover, kind, patient, playful, respectful. Spanish mother language
| I had dogs since I was little. I cared for my daughter cat a sweet main coon boy since he was a kitten, he is now 4 years old; and I discovered the great connection and love I have for cats and dogs and birds, and general connection with animals and nature. I will love to gave you a hand with your cat care. I am a volunteer at Dog&Tales Sanctuary
... more
From $35 \
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Pet Care in East Gwillimbury

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