Pet Care in Gilford

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Gordana M.
1 Verification
  • From $25
  • Gilford
1 Verification
Cuddles' n Coffee
| Hello, my name is Gordana. I hope all is well. I wanted to let you know that, Ive been taking a course at the Animal Behavior College, for the overall healthcare for animals and CPR. I would be a great fit, because I'm honest, hardworking, and I have a big heart. I would give them the best care, and treat them as my very own... you can count on me for all the love and support of your family furry friends. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, and meeting with you. Thanks for your time, Gordana
... more
  • From $25
  • Gilford
Cuddles' n Coffee
| Hello, my name is Gordana. I hope all is well. I wanted to let you know that, Ive been taking a course at the Animal Behavior College, for the overall healthcare for animals and CPR. I would be a great fit, because I'm honest, hardworking, and I have a big heart. I would give them the best care, and treat them as my very own... you can count on me for all the love and support of your family furry friends. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, and meeting with you. Thanks for your time, Gordana
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From $25 \
Rebecca H.
  • From $10
  • Gilford
Experienced Veterinary Technician comfortable with special needs and all sorts of pets!
| Hello! I am a registered Veterinary Technician with lots of love for our furry friends. I am comfortable with all different types of animals and special needs care! I have my own farm animal family that I love so much, and I will show your fur babies that same love!
... more
  • From $10
  • Gilford
Experienced Veterinary Technician comfortable with special needs and all sorts of pets!
| Hello! I am a registered Veterinary Technician with lots of love for our furry friends. I am comfortable with all different types of animals and special needs care! I have my own farm animal family that I love so much, and I will show your fur babies that same love!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Gilford

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