Child Care in Cavan

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Sarah T.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Cavan
Hello, I am outgoing, energetic and extremely responsible who loves being around children!
| I have experience in childcare from working with numerous children and families over the years ranging in age. I also taught ski lessons throughout high school and have experience as third year education student with children in the classroom from kindergarten to grade 8.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Cavan
Hello, I am outgoing, energetic and extremely responsible who loves being around children!
| I have experience in childcare from working with numerous children and families over the years ranging in age. I also taught ski lessons throughout high school and have experience as third year education student with children in the classroom from kindergarten to grade 8.
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From $16 per hour \
Madeline R.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Cavan
Fun and Responsible Babysitter, Caregiver
| My name is Maddy and I am an 18 year old girl from Cavan Ontario currently studying at Trent University. In elementary school, I participated in a babysitting course which taught me how to react in emergency situations and provided me information on how to care for children. I began babysitting in the 6th grade for my neighbour, and babysat her continuously until I moved away for university. As well as babysitting experience, I have twin nephews who are two, and I have learned how to care for young infants through them. I also am trained in first aid, having completed my Bronze Cross. I also am a very strong swimmer, having done lessons, synchronized and competitive swim in the past. I also spent my summers on a lake and have been confidently swimming my whole life. I grew up in Toronto with my parents, four brothers and I have had many pets throughout my life that I have been responsible with helping to care for them. I also spent five years volunteering with the Girl Guides of Canada, helping clean, prepare, and lead activities and crafts.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Cavan
Fun and Responsible Babysitter, Caregiver
| My name is Maddy and I am an 18 year old girl from Cavan Ontario currently studying at Trent University. In elementary school, I participated in a babysitting course which taught me how to react in emergency situations and provided me information on how to care for children. I began babysitting in the 6th grade for my neighbour, and babysat her continuously until I moved away for university. As well as babysitting experience, I have twin nephews who are two, and I have learned how to care for young infants through them. I also am trained in first aid, having completed my Bronze Cross. I also am a very strong swimmer, having done lessons, synchronized and competitive swim in the past. I also spent my summers on a lake and have been confidently swimming my whole life. I grew up in Toronto with my parents, four brothers and I have had many pets throughout my life that I have been responsible with helping to care for them. I also spent five years volunteering with the Girl Guides of Canada, helping clean, prepare, and lead activities and crafts.
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From $14 per hour \
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Child Care in Cavan

When do you need child care?