Housekeepers in Cavan

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Madeline R.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Cavan
Household Help and Cleaning
| I spent five years volunteering at the Girl Guides of Canada where the majority of my role was to clean the lockers, clean up the basement of the church after everyone had left, clean up after activities. Because of these five years, I have learned the best ways to clean large spaces, cupboards, kitchen areas and bathrooms.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Cavan
Household Help and Cleaning
| I spent five years volunteering at the Girl Guides of Canada where the majority of my role was to clean the lockers, clean up the basement of the church after everyone had left, clean up after activities. Because of these five years, I have learned the best ways to clean large spaces, cupboards, kitchen areas and bathrooms.
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From $14 per hour \
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Housekeepers in Cavan

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