Pet Care in Cavan

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Madeline R.
  • From $10
  • Cavan
Love Animals, Offering Care
| I have experience with watching a neighbourhood dog, I would walk and feed him during the days. My main experience with animal care is the pets I've lived with my whole life, a total of three dogs and a cat, I walk, play with, feed and clean my pets whenever I get the chance or am needed.
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  • From $10
  • Cavan
Love Animals, Offering Care
| I have experience with watching a neighbourhood dog, I would walk and feed him during the days. My main experience with animal care is the pets I've lived with my whole life, a total of three dogs and a cat, I walk, play with, feed and clean my pets whenever I get the chance or am needed.
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From $10 \
Tian B.
  • From $10
  • Cavan
I am kind and loving towards my animal-friends and I am calm in emergencies
| I have always cared for my own pets: cats and dogs! I have 2, 8-year-old beautiful rescue cats; siblings bottle-fed from 4 weeks, as foundlings. Also, 6 months ago, my wee 18-year-old shiatsu-llasa mix, named Skittles, set out on her journey to the rainbow bridge, where all our beloved deceased animal friends are said to await our eventual reunion!! I miss her puppy energy and walking outside with her joyful wee self! I want to walk your beloved puppy/dog!
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  • From $10
  • Cavan
I am kind and loving towards my animal-friends and I am calm in emergencies
| I have always cared for my own pets: cats and dogs! I have 2, 8-year-old beautiful rescue cats; siblings bottle-fed from 4 weeks, as foundlings. Also, 6 months ago, my wee 18-year-old shiatsu-llasa mix, named Skittles, set out on her journey to the rainbow bridge, where all our beloved deceased animal friends are said to await our eventual reunion!! I miss her puppy energy and walking outside with her joyful wee self! I want to walk your beloved puppy/dog!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Cavan

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