Pet Care in Orono

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Samantha H.
  • From $10
  • Orono
Caring, reliable adult.
| I’m a long term pet owner, of both cats and dogs (large and small).
... more
  • From $10
  • Orono
Caring, reliable adult.
| I’m a long term pet owner, of both cats and dogs (large and small).
... more
From $10 \
Shania W.
  • From $10
  • Orono
Reliable and experienced animal caretaker
| Hello my name is Shania, like the famous Canadian singer! I was born and raised in Port Hope and now live in the seer town of Orono. I have always remembered loving animals. From the day I’ve been born not a day has gone by where I don’t have a pet in my home. I feel like I have a lot to offer and I am really reliable and responsible. I have a dog of my own that loves other dogs and cats. However I always have time to share the attention. I also have a cat that has given me much experience as well. I am available throughout the week day or night around my school schedule since I’m a student in Durham College. Weekends I am also available in the evenings! I hope you will consider me the next time your furry ones need a walk or even just a friend to show them some love while you’re away.
... more
  • From $10
  • Orono
Reliable and experienced animal caretaker
| Hello my name is Shania, like the famous Canadian singer! I was born and raised in Port Hope and now live in the seer town of Orono. I have always remembered loving animals. From the day I’ve been born not a day has gone by where I don’t have a pet in my home. I feel like I have a lot to offer and I am really reliable and responsible. I have a dog of my own that loves other dogs and cats. However I always have time to share the attention. I also have a cat that has given me much experience as well. I am available throughout the week day or night around my school schedule since I’m a student in Durham College. Weekends I am also available in the evenings! I hope you will consider me the next time your furry ones need a walk or even just a friend to show them some love while you’re away.
... more
From $10 \
Adventurous pup club
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • Orono
1 Verification
Services the Clarington area only (Orono Newcastle & Bowmanville)
| Adventurous Pup Club is an active lifestyle club for your furry family members offering overnight care, drop in visits, walks and more. Fully Insured, First Aid & Online Booking
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  • From $20
  • Orono
Services the Clarington area only (Orono Newcastle & Bowmanville)
| Adventurous Pup Club is an active lifestyle club for your furry family members offering overnight care, drop in visits, walks and more. Fully Insured, First Aid & Online Booking
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From $20 \
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Pet Care in Orono

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