Child Care in Selwyn

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Amy B.
Hired once
  • From $20 /hr
  • Selwyn
Hired once
Babysitter, Nanny - Comfortable with Toddler to Elementary school age
| Hello, my name is Amy and I've been babysitting since I was 14. I love the energy and excitement kids have for everything! I'm currently in school for Social Work at Trent University, and I'm a recent graduate of a dual diploma in both Social Service Worker and Mental Health and addictions Worker at Fleming College. If you require references, I'll be happy to provide them for you.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Selwyn
Babysitter, Nanny - Comfortable with Toddler to Elementary school age
| Hello, my name is Amy and I've been babysitting since I was 14. I love the energy and excitement kids have for everything! I'm currently in school for Social Work at Trent University, and I'm a recent graduate of a dual diploma in both Social Service Worker and Mental Health and addictions Worker at Fleming College. If you require references, I'll be happy to provide them for you.
... more
Amy has been amazing with my very active toddler! She was also great at communicating and put our minds at ease as first time parents hiring a sitter for the first time. She comes up with fun, imaginative games for our toddler and loves to take her on outside adventures to parks and for walks. She has been flexible with our schedule and is always on time (or even early). Wonderful with kids, I would hire her again in a second, and I would highly recommend to anyone considering her:)"
... "more
Reviewed by Sarah S.
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Selwyn

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