Child Care in Carleton Place

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Erika S.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Caring, Trustworthy, and reliable Caregiver.
| I am a university graduate with a B.A in psychology and a minor in neuroscience and mental health. I have experience working in a Junior kindergarden class, and I took two years of parenting/childcare in high school as well. I have always been very passionate about kids and their development and they have always been drawn to me as a caregiver. I have high energy, am very caring, organized, and reliable. I am currently working in social work with youth and am looking to go back to school. Therefore, I am in search of a part time job while I complete my further education. Children are our future, they deserve the best care and attention. I find caring for children extremely rewarding and fun. I have always been told that I am great with children and am a very motivated person.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Caring, Trustworthy, and reliable Caregiver.
| I am a university graduate with a B.A in psychology and a minor in neuroscience and mental health. I have experience working in a Junior kindergarden class, and I took two years of parenting/childcare in high school as well. I have always been very passionate about kids and their development and they have always been drawn to me as a caregiver. I have high energy, am very caring, organized, and reliable. I am currently working in social work with youth and am looking to go back to school. Therefore, I am in search of a part time job while I complete my further education. Children are our future, they deserve the best care and attention. I find caring for children extremely rewarding and fun. I have always been told that I am great with children and am a very motivated person.
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From $17 per hour \
Kayli G.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Carleton Place
I'm a 24 year old Personal Support worker looking for a second life job. I love kids and all animals.
| Ive been working with children for the past 8+ years as I had helped my parents with my younger sibling. For my past work experience, I have been teaching swimming lessons for the past 6 years now and the youngest I've had was 5 weeks old my oldest 5 years old. I am a personal support worker but looking for something new as the job currently is becoming overwhelming for me. I have always loved kids. My last job working with children was with a family of 3 children under 10 being the oldest 8 and the youngest a newborn.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Carleton Place
I'm a 24 year old Personal Support worker looking for a second life job. I love kids and all animals.
| Ive been working with children for the past 8+ years as I had helped my parents with my younger sibling. For my past work experience, I have been teaching swimming lessons for the past 6 years now and the youngest I've had was 5 weeks old my oldest 5 years old. I am a personal support worker but looking for something new as the job currently is becoming overwhelming for me. I have always loved kids. My last job working with children was with a family of 3 children under 10 being the oldest 8 and the youngest a newborn.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Carleton Place

When do you need child care?