Child Care in Ashton

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Little Spice’s Childcare
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Ashton
1 Verification
Little Spice’s Childcare
| Little Spice’s Childcare! Located in the Ashton/Beckwith area (Just outside Carleton Place, 9th Line Beckwith) * Spacious country setting * Perfect for Ottawa commuters, 2 mins off Hwy #7 * Infant, toddler & preschoolers, before and after school (Beckwith Route or St.Gregs) * Healthy and nutritious snacks provided following the Canadian Food Guide, parents provide lunches. * Weekly outings (i.e playgroup, parks, splash pads, #######...###.) *Access to Kids World (at NO additional charges!) * Valid Ontario G drivers license * CPR & First Aid certified * Bondable Criminal Record Check * Emergent-based curriculum (based off your child's interests and needs) *Weekly rotation of the daycare toys $45.00 per day per child.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Ashton
Little Spice’s Childcare
| Little Spice’s Childcare! Located in the Ashton/Beckwith area (Just outside Carleton Place, 9th Line Beckwith) * Spacious country setting * Perfect for Ottawa commuters, 2 mins off Hwy #7 * Infant, toddler & preschoolers, before and after school (Beckwith Route or St.Gregs) * Healthy and nutritious snacks provided following the Canadian Food Guide, parents provide lunches. * Weekly outings (i.e playgroup, parks, splash pads, #######...###.) *Access to Kids World (at NO additional charges!) * Valid Ontario G drivers license * CPR & First Aid certified * Bondable Criminal Record Check * Emergent-based curriculum (based off your child's interests and needs) *Weekly rotation of the daycare toys $45.00 per day per child.
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From $13 per hour \
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Child Care in Ashton

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