Senior Care in Carleton Place

Choose from 17 senior caregivers in your area.
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When do you need senior care?
Wise N Witty
  • From $20 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Professional, experienced home care and home services
| Wise N Witty offers a variety of services to seniors. Phone call check in's and reminders, companionship, errands, therapeutic recreation, nutrition, home modification, home repairs, help with bill paying, downsizing and technology training are just some of our options from trained, certified and experienced professionals. Kindness, compassion and respect!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Professional, experienced home care and home services
| Wise N Witty offers a variety of services to seniors. Phone call check in's and reminders, companionship, errands, therapeutic recreation, nutrition, home modification, home repairs, help with bill paying, downsizing and technology training are just some of our options from trained, certified and experienced professionals. Kindness, compassion and respect!
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From $20 per hour \
Malik Z.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Active , retired , male , highly educated
| I owned my own retirement home for over 11 years , was one of the best run places , hands on , positive thinker , good cook , two master degrees , enjoy the positive impact on the people that I am working with
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Active , retired , male , highly educated
| I owned my own retirement home for over 11 years , was one of the best run places , hands on , positive thinker , good cook , two master degrees , enjoy the positive impact on the people that I am working with
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From $14 per hour \
Cecilia D.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Carleton Place
1 Verification
Experienced and Caring Nanny/Personal Support Worker in Carleton Place, Ontario
| Hello there! I'm Cecilia, a nurturing and experienced nanny/personal support worker/Companion seeking a full-time position with a loving family in Carleton Place, Ontario or surrounding areas. With a passion for caring for infants, newborns, primary school-aged children, and seniors I bring a wealth of experience and a heart full of love to your home. With a focus on creating a safe and stimulating environment for your little ones, I offer live-in or live-out options and a range of services including meal prep and CPR-certified care. Whether it's engaging in educational activities, keeping up with routines, or simply providing a nurturing presence, I am dedicated to providing top-notch care for your children. My hourly rate is $20.0, and I am more than happy to discuss the details with you. If you're searching for a dedicated and trustworthy nanny, please feel free to reach out to me. I welcome you to message me if you think I could be the perfect fit for your family. Let's chat and see if we're the right match for each other!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Experienced and Caring Nanny/Personal Support Worker in Carleton Place, Ontario
| Hello there! I'm Cecilia, a nurturing and experienced nanny/personal support worker/Companion seeking a full-time position with a loving family in Carleton Place, Ontario or surrounding areas. With a passion for caring for infants, newborns, primary school-aged children, and seniors I bring a wealth of experience and a heart full of love to your home. With a focus on creating a safe and stimulating environment for your little ones, I offer live-in or live-out options and a range of services including meal prep and CPR-certified care. Whether it's engaging in educational activities, keeping up with routines, or simply providing a nurturing presence, I am dedicated to providing top-notch care for your children. My hourly rate is $20.0, and I am more than happy to discuss the details with you. If you're searching for a dedicated and trustworthy nanny, please feel free to reach out to me. I welcome you to message me if you think I could be the perfect fit for your family. Let's chat and see if we're the right match for each other!
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From $20 per hour \
Jennifer B.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Carleton Place
1 Verification
Let's enrich each-other's world! Providing safe, personalized and caring experiences.
| I have a degree in Leisure and Recreation and enjoy the rewarding experience of providing companionship, care and quality service and experiences for clients. I believe dignity and respect is of utmost importance while also offering life enriching experiences for clients in a safe, personalized environment. I selfishly also want to learn from clients and know they have many stories and life lessons to share along the care and companion journey we will share together.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Carleton Place
Let's enrich each-other's world! Providing safe, personalized and caring experiences.
| I have a degree in Leisure and Recreation and enjoy the rewarding experience of providing companionship, care and quality service and experiences for clients. I believe dignity and respect is of utmost importance while also offering life enriching experiences for clients in a safe, personalized environment. I selfishly also want to learn from clients and know they have many stories and life lessons to share along the care and companion journey we will share together.
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From $16 per hour \
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Senior Care in Carleton Place

When do you need senior care?