Senior Care in Clayton

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Angela G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Clayton
Registered PSW caring for others
| I worked in assisted living program for seniors for 9 years. I went in to their homes and did personal care, meal prep, cleaning, shopping, respite. i have taken CPI training, CPR, Metal Health first aid, person center training, and much more training. I am branching out in to the community because there is not enough workers out there to support our seniors
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Clayton
Registered PSW caring for others
| I worked in assisted living program for seniors for 9 years. I went in to their homes and did personal care, meal prep, cleaning, shopping, respite. i have taken CPI training, CPR, Metal Health first aid, person center training, and much more training. I am branching out in to the community because there is not enough workers out there to support our seniors
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From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Clayton

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