Babysitters in Thorndale

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Laurie M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Thorndale
Responsible, experienced & fun Scottish babysitter
| I am a registered pediatric nurse with 11 years experience in newborn care. I have over 10 years of experience in child care, nursing, babysitting and daycare. I babysat for 6 years and worked in daycare for 5 years. I am fun, energetic and responsible. I love getting out and about and doing activities with the children. I am Scottish, I moved to Canada on a permanent residency visa in July 2018 with my husband. I am currently awaiting my education to be bridged to the Canadian equivalent so I can nurse over here. I am flexible with my schedule, I am looking for something part time, around 15-25 hrs per week, Monday to Thursday. I have a second job over the weekend.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Thorndale
Responsible, experienced & fun Scottish babysitter
| I am a registered pediatric nurse with 11 years experience in newborn care. I have over 10 years of experience in child care, nursing, babysitting and daycare. I babysat for 6 years and worked in daycare for 5 years. I am fun, energetic and responsible. I love getting out and about and doing activities with the children. I am Scottish, I moved to Canada on a permanent residency visa in July 2018 with my husband. I am currently awaiting my education to be bridged to the Canadian equivalent so I can nurse over here. I am flexible with my schedule, I am looking for something part time, around 15-25 hrs per week, Monday to Thursday. I have a second job over the weekend.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Thorndale

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