Senior Care in Thorndale

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Marie N.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Thorndale
1 Verification
Compassionate Caregiver and Registered Nurse
| I am a dedicated and compassionate professional with a strong background in providing high-quality care to seniors and individuals with disabilities. With a year of experience as a Personal Support Worker and two years as a licensed Registered Nurse in the United States, I have developed the skills and expertise needed to deliver personalized, respectful, and attentive care. In my role as a Personal Support Worker, I gained hands-on experience assisting clients with daily activities, promoting their independence, and ensuring their comfort and safety. My time as a surgical nurse in the operating room strengthened my clinical knowledge, attention to detail, and ability to thrive under pressure while providing patient-centered care. I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of those I care for, and I am committed to fostering meaningful connections with my clients and their families. With my combined medical expertise and compassionate approach, I strive to create a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for everyone I serve. Let me bring my skills and dedication to your loved ones, ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Thorndale
Compassionate Caregiver and Registered Nurse
| I am a dedicated and compassionate professional with a strong background in providing high-quality care to seniors and individuals with disabilities. With a year of experience as a Personal Support Worker and two years as a licensed Registered Nurse in the United States, I have developed the skills and expertise needed to deliver personalized, respectful, and attentive care. In my role as a Personal Support Worker, I gained hands-on experience assisting clients with daily activities, promoting their independence, and ensuring their comfort and safety. My time as a surgical nurse in the operating room strengthened my clinical knowledge, attention to detail, and ability to thrive under pressure while providing patient-centered care. I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of those I care for, and I am committed to fostering meaningful connections with my clients and their families. With my combined medical expertise and compassionate approach, I strive to create a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for everyone I serve. Let me bring my skills and dedication to your loved ones, ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve.
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From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Thorndale

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