Babysitters in Exeter

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Christina F.
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Exeter
1 Verification
My name’s Christina.
| I’m 18 years old, I started babysitting, walking kids home and taking care of my younger siblings at age 12, I enjoy being around kids because of the positive energy they constantly give off, I’m looking to get back into work after being on medical for a year dealing with a brain injury, I think starting off small and working with kids again will both be good for me and help you! I live in Exeter ontario, very flexible with time and last minute calls.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Exeter
My name’s Christina.
| I’m 18 years old, I started babysitting, walking kids home and taking care of my younger siblings at age 12, I enjoy being around kids because of the positive energy they constantly give off, I’m looking to get back into work after being on medical for a year dealing with a brain injury, I think starting off small and working with kids again will both be good for me and help you! I live in Exeter ontario, very flexible with time and last minute calls.
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From $13 per hour \
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Babysitters in Exeter

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