Babysitters in Parkhill

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Rebecca M.
  • From $18 /hr
  • London
Fun, energetic, and loving person. Willing to travel!
| Hello! My name is Becca, and I am 25 years old. I currently work as a Intervenor (similar to a PSW) for a young lady who is deaf blind, functioning at an age level of an 8 year old. I have also worked as a Child and Youth Care Worker for a foster home, working with children between the age of 7 and 17. In addition, I also have multiple nieces and nephews that I have been blessed with babysitting and spending time watching them grow. Feel free to contact me to get to know me! I am located in Parkhill, but am more than willing to travel to surrounding areas
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  • From $18 /hr
  • London
Fun, energetic, and loving person. Willing to travel!
| Hello! My name is Becca, and I am 25 years old. I currently work as a Intervenor (similar to a PSW) for a young lady who is deaf blind, functioning at an age level of an 8 year old. I have also worked as a Child and Youth Care Worker for a foster home, working with children between the age of 7 and 17. In addition, I also have multiple nieces and nephews that I have been blessed with babysitting and spending time watching them grow. Feel free to contact me to get to know me! I am located in Parkhill, but am more than willing to travel to surrounding areas
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Babysitters in Parkhill

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