Babysitters in Thamesford

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Ashley E.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Thamesford
DSW looking for a new career path!
| Hi there! I’m Ashley! I have been working since I was 12. I started out as a babysitter, babysitting for family and friends. I have experience babysitting children from ages 18 months to 11 years old. I am now a DSW looking for a new career path. In my current job role I provide support for adults living with disabilities. I support them with personal care, medication, house keeping, meal prepping, appointments, activities, and anything else they may need throughout the day. I would describe myself as caring, loving, outgoing, creative and hard working. I am first aid/ CPR certified. If you are interested or have any questions feel free to reach out! Thank you!
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Thamesford
DSW looking for a new career path!
| Hi there! I’m Ashley! I have been working since I was 12. I started out as a babysitter, babysitting for family and friends. I have experience babysitting children from ages 18 months to 11 years old. I am now a DSW looking for a new career path. In my current job role I provide support for adults living with disabilities. I support them with personal care, medication, house keeping, meal prepping, appointments, activities, and anything else they may need throughout the day. I would describe myself as caring, loving, outgoing, creative and hard working. I am first aid/ CPR certified. If you are interested or have any questions feel free to reach out! Thank you!
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From $18 per hour \
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Babysitters in Thamesford

When do you need child care?