Pet Care in Thamesford

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Chantalle A.
  • From $10
  • Thamesford
Pet sitter seeking jobs!
| Hi there! My name is Chantalle. I grew up with animals my whole life. I have always expressed interest and had a passion to help and work with animals. I grew up learning and participating in the grooming and caring process of my aunts pet care business, as well as having attended many dog shows in my youth. All of this has led to an immense love for animals of all kinds! I just moved to London, and would absolutely love to assist anyone I can with the care of their beloved fur babies! I love all pets and animals of all shapes/sizes and species. I am both excited and looking forward to being able to help by caring for these pets while their families are away. Your fur babies will be catered to, cared for and loved as if they were my own!
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  • From $10
  • Thamesford
Pet sitter seeking jobs!
| Hi there! My name is Chantalle. I grew up with animals my whole life. I have always expressed interest and had a passion to help and work with animals. I grew up learning and participating in the grooming and caring process of my aunts pet care business, as well as having attended many dog shows in my youth. All of this has led to an immense love for animals of all kinds! I just moved to London, and would absolutely love to assist anyone I can with the care of their beloved fur babies! I love all pets and animals of all shapes/sizes and species. I am both excited and looking forward to being able to help by caring for these pets while their families are away. Your fur babies will be catered to, cared for and loved as if they were my own!
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From $10 \
Karissa C.
  • From $10
  • Thamesford
Animal Care Handler with experience in enrichment, giving medications, training and much more
| Starting at 14 I dog sat an elderly greyhound and provided her with medications, and food when needed as well as assisted her in standing and walking when necessary. At 15 I started a cooperative education program at a boarding/daycare kennel for dogs and cats which later turned into my job where I am still currently employed. There I learnt more handling techniques, about more medications, and proper cleaning protocols for a high traffic dog kennel. I am well versed in dog body language and love to provide mental enrichment as well as physical exercise. On top of my work experience, I have been doing dog training with my own dogs as well as families dogs for almost 10 years, plus I have been doing agility with my personal dog for about 9 years! I have also been accepted into the Karen Pryor Academy in their “Dog Trainer Professional” program, and am doing courses with Holistic Animal Studies by Angel’s Animals! I have also ridden and worked around horses for about 10 years total!
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  • From $10
  • Thamesford
Animal Care Handler with experience in enrichment, giving medications, training and much more
| Starting at 14 I dog sat an elderly greyhound and provided her with medications, and food when needed as well as assisted her in standing and walking when necessary. At 15 I started a cooperative education program at a boarding/daycare kennel for dogs and cats which later turned into my job where I am still currently employed. There I learnt more handling techniques, about more medications, and proper cleaning protocols for a high traffic dog kennel. I am well versed in dog body language and love to provide mental enrichment as well as physical exercise. On top of my work experience, I have been doing dog training with my own dogs as well as families dogs for almost 10 years, plus I have been doing agility with my personal dog for about 9 years! I have also been accepted into the Karen Pryor Academy in their “Dog Trainer Professional” program, and am doing courses with Holistic Animal Studies by Angel’s Animals! I have also ridden and worked around horses for about 10 years total!
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Thamesford

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