Pet Care in Ilderton

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Sarah H.
  • From $10
  • Ilderton
Farm girl looking to hangout with even more animals!
| Leave your pets in the hands of someone who has grown up with pets their entire life. I live on a family farm just outside of London and we have 3 dogs, two small and one XL dog. We have 4 indoor cats and 10+ outdoor cats that we care for. We have had four sets of litters and I have seen the kittens grow from birth to adulthood. We also have sheep, chicken and horses all of which need to be cared for. Having a passion for animals is something that has always been within me and they make me overall very happy. I know pets are part of your family and they need to be treated as such.
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  • From $10
  • Ilderton
Farm girl looking to hangout with even more animals!
| Leave your pets in the hands of someone who has grown up with pets their entire life. I live on a family farm just outside of London and we have 3 dogs, two small and one XL dog. We have 4 indoor cats and 10+ outdoor cats that we care for. We have had four sets of litters and I have seen the kittens grow from birth to adulthood. We also have sheep, chicken and horses all of which need to be cared for. Having a passion for animals is something that has always been within me and they make me overall very happy. I know pets are part of your family and they need to be treated as such.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Ilderton

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