Pet Care in Lucan

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Jenifer T.
  • From $10
  • Lucan
Mom of 2 looking to make a little extra money for fun activities with my kids :)
| I am a mom of 2. Looking to make some extra money to do fun things with my daughters. Life is expensive and it would be nice to have a little extra so we can plan fun outings.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lucan
Mom of 2 looking to make a little extra money for fun activities with my kids :)
| I am a mom of 2. Looking to make some extra money to do fun things with my daughters. Life is expensive and it would be nice to have a little extra so we can plan fun outings.
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From $10 \
Olivia S.
  • From $10
  • Lucan
My name is Olivia I am a responsible, caring, reliable and organized person.
| I had a dog for 14 years he was my best friend. I would be honoured to care for your animal. I am very responsible and would care for your dog like it was my own. I really hope you give me a chance and talk soon.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lucan
My name is Olivia I am a responsible, caring, reliable and organized person.
| I had a dog for 14 years he was my best friend. I would be honoured to care for your animal. I am very responsible and would care for your dog like it was my own. I really hope you give me a chance and talk soon.
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From $10 \
Emma K.
  • From $10
  • Lucan
Hello! I'm so happy you're here. My name is Emma and I am so excited to be your next caregiver
| Growing up on a hobby farm, helping care of a variety of animals has been part of my daily routine ever since I can remember. Completing my bachelors online, flexibility within my schedule makes me a perfect fit to help assist with your furry friends. Working at boarding stables during my high school days and always owning more than one rescue dog at any given time, my specialties lie with canine and equestrian care. The quality of care I deliver is nothing shy of the very best for your (and possibly soon to be my) furry friend.
... more
  • From $10
  • Lucan
Hello! I'm so happy you're here. My name is Emma and I am so excited to be your next caregiver
| Growing up on a hobby farm, helping care of a variety of animals has been part of my daily routine ever since I can remember. Completing my bachelors online, flexibility within my schedule makes me a perfect fit to help assist with your furry friends. Working at boarding stables during my high school days and always owning more than one rescue dog at any given time, my specialties lie with canine and equestrian care. The quality of care I deliver is nothing shy of the very best for your (and possibly soon to be my) furry friend.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Lucan

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