Pet Care in Dashwood

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Lisa W.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Dashwood
1 Verification
Caring and compassionate
| After being and pet owner for several years and helping out at the local humane society has developed my passion for animals especially dogs and cats . However I do love all animals I think I rather be around animals then humans sometimes . They are more real and affectionate. I would love to help you out with what ever your needs may be
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  • From $10
  • Dashwood
Caring and compassionate
| After being and pet owner for several years and helping out at the local humane society has developed my passion for animals especially dogs and cats . However I do love all animals I think I rather be around animals then humans sometimes . They are more real and affectionate. I would love to help you out with what ever your needs may be
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From $10 \
Lisa W.
  • From $10
  • Dashwood
Passion for animals
| I am a caring and compassionate person.I love all animals especially dogs and cats . After growing up with a dog most of my adult life I have developed a love and passion for animals .I have spent many hours helping out in humane societies and participated in pet therapy programs for the elderly. Someday’s I spend my time around dogs then humans because I find them more loyal and honest loving creatures.
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  • From $10
  • Dashwood
Passion for animals
| I am a caring and compassionate person.I love all animals especially dogs and cats . After growing up with a dog most of my adult life I have developed a love and passion for animals .I have spent many hours helping out in humane societies and participated in pet therapy programs for the elderly. Someday’s I spend my time around dogs then humans because I find them more loyal and honest loving creatures.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Dashwood

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