Part Time
$25 – 28/hr
Carson, CA
Our 5-year-old son with speech and developmental delays needs a nanny after school (3-7 p.m. M and W-F, 2-7 p.m. Tues) to play, care, practice homework, prepare meals, and help potty train. His Nanny will participate and transport him to therapy at a clinic 3 days a week and will help participate in in-home therapy. Help with light housekeeping, laundry, and bathing may be needed.
Our Nanny is part of our "village" so the right "fit" is of utmost importance. Our son attends special needs TK and thus, only requires care after school during the school year. While most weeks will be 20-25 hours, there are opportunities for increased hours during his school breaks or on certain weekends.