Childcare in Sandringham

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Sawsan T.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Sandringham
1 1 Verification
Babysitter when needed.
| Thank you for checking my profile. I'm a mother of 5 children, also a grandmother to 7 grandkids aged 12 to 3. I am a former tutor in both academics and business. I'm considered caring, honest, and reliable. Most of all I just love being with " little people ". I have a car so can work around school, sporting, and social events for your children as they may arise. I'm fully occupied in the meantime.
My wife & I employed Sawsan to look after our 3 school aged children, until we returned home from work. At all times we found her to be caring, & reliable. She seemed to have a natural, easy, but disciplined manner, with them, & they almost immediately liked, & bonded with her. An added bonus was Sawsan's background as a tutor & her assisting them with their studies, especially maths. We have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Sawsan & her child caring abilities."
... "more
Reviewed by John O.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for child carers in Sandringham is between $21 and $27
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