Tutors in Harlow

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Sara Z.
  • From £40 /hr
  • Harlow
Award-winning tutor in maths and science with 8 years experience
| Having tutored these subjects for the last 8 years, I have now been able to successfully explain different concepts to my students of varying levels and ages. I am able to tutor in many different techniques and adjust my teaching to the learning style of the student. I use PowerPoints and past exam questions ensuring that the student improves both knowledge and exam technique. I am happy to do lessons online or in person and am looking forward to help this student reach their full potential.
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  • From £40 /hr
  • Harlow
Award-winning tutor in maths and science with 8 years experience
| Having tutored these subjects for the last 8 years, I have now been able to successfully explain different concepts to my students of varying levels and ages. I am able to tutor in many different techniques and adjust my teaching to the learning style of the student. I use PowerPoints and past exam questions ensuring that the student improves both knowledge and exam technique. I am happy to do lessons online or in person and am looking forward to help this student reach their full potential.
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From £40 per hour \
Olivia T.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Harlow
I am top set for all subjects and I have plenty of experience in this field.
| As a tutor I prefer to teach children between the years of 3-7 however I don’t mind teaching year 8’s either. My reasoning for this is because of my young age only being in year nine at 14. However I hope your still interested in allowing me to help your child achieve their educational milestones.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Harlow
I am top set for all subjects and I have plenty of experience in this field.
| As a tutor I prefer to teach children between the years of 3-7 however I don’t mind teaching year 8’s either. My reasoning for this is because of my young age only being in year nine at 14. However I hope your still interested in allowing me to help your child achieve their educational milestones.
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From £10 per hour \
Chloe H.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Harlow
Fun friendly and professional tutor
| I have extensive knowledge in teaching, I worked as a business administration tutor in a foundation learning college for students with behavioural difficulties and special needs. I then have worked in two nurseries teaching and a primary school as well as tutoring in my spare time for over eight years. I studied a teaching assistant apprenticeship and then studied award in education and teaching level 3. I also worked in Madrid Spain, as an English tutor to four children aged between three and twelve teaching them English grammar and English language.
... more
  • From £9 /hr
  • Harlow
Fun friendly and professional tutor
| I have extensive knowledge in teaching, I worked as a business administration tutor in a foundation learning college for students with behavioural difficulties and special needs. I then have worked in two nurseries teaching and a primary school as well as tutoring in my spare time for over eight years. I studied a teaching assistant apprenticeship and then studied award in education and teaching level 3. I also worked in Madrid Spain, as an English tutor to four children aged between three and twelve teaching them English grammar and English language.
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From £9 per hour \
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FAQs for finding tutors in Harlow

In 2024 how much does it cost to hire a tutor in Harlow?

Hiring a tutor in Harlow on Care.com will cost an average of £17.34 per hour as of July 2024. This rate may vary depending on the experience each tutor has, the subject you need help with, and how often you will require tutoring.

How can I find a tutor near me?

Care.com currently has 1,459 tutors in Harlow. You can search for tutors by their distance from Harlow and compare your options by hourly pay rate, the experience, the subjects they teach, and their availability. You can also see reviews from other families that have used the tutors you're interested in. If you're interested in distance learning, explore your options for online tutors.

What type of tutoring services in 2024 can I find near me in Harlow?

The most popular tutoring services that you can find in $Harlow are usually private tutoring classes in subjects such as math, chemistry, reading or English. On Care.com, you'll find tutors in Harlow who can teach different grades from primary school to grammar school, or even university.
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Tutors in Harlow

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