Tutors in East Riding of Yorkshire

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Ericka S.
  • From £6 /hr
  • East Riding of Yorkshire
I am able to tutor primary age children who may be struggling with basic maths concepts, phonics or preparation for SATS. I work in a primary school at present and have experience of all age ranges. I am happy to help adults with functional skills up to level 2. I am educated to degree level.
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  • From £6 /hr
  • East Riding of Yorkshire
I am able to tutor primary age children who may be struggling with basic maths concepts, phonics or preparation for SATS. I work in a primary school at present and have experience of all age ranges. I am happy to help adults with functional skills up to level 2. I am educated to degree level.
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From £6 per hour \
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Tutors in East Riding of Yorkshire

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