Pet Care in North Norfolk

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Rachael R.
1 Verification
  • From £10
  • North Norfolk
1 Verification
Caring dog and cat #####.### and active, with own transport and insurance.
| Hi thank you for reading my profile, I have grown up and owned dogs and cats all my life. I’m now without pets of my own and help out locally with dogs and cats, walking, day time and over night stays and pop ins to feed/cuddle. I’ve also fostered dogs for Dogs Trust. I have comprehensive insurance for dog walking, sitting and transporting. I’m very fit, play golf and tennis and love walking on the beach and in the countryside. I’m now retired and my family are grown up so have lots of spare time (my husband still works) I have an enclosed garden and live 5 minutes drive from the beach.
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  • From £10
  • North Norfolk
Caring dog and cat #####.### and active, with own transport and insurance.
| Hi thank you for reading my profile, I have grown up and owned dogs and cats all my life. I’m now without pets of my own and help out locally with dogs and cats, walking, day time and over night stays and pop ins to feed/cuddle. I’ve also fostered dogs for Dogs Trust. I have comprehensive insurance for dog walking, sitting and transporting. I’m very fit, play golf and tennis and love walking on the beach and in the countryside. I’m now retired and my family are grown up so have lots of spare time (my husband still works) I have an enclosed garden and live 5 minutes drive from the beach.
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From £10 \
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Pet Care in North Norfolk

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