Childcare in North Norfolk

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Mercy N.
1 Verification
  • From £16 /hr
  • North Norfolk
1 Verification
I love being with children and taking care of them is my ultimate pride.
| I dont have professional childcare experience however, i have raised and taken care of my sister, nephew anx nieces when they were young. I havd aldo taken care of my own daughter from birth, she is now 8years old. In that case i regard myself as knowledgeable in child ######.## you given a chance, i am s very fast learn and adjusts to rules snc regulations accordingly. Thank you.
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  • From £16 /hr
  • North Norfolk
I love being with children and taking care of them is my ultimate pride.
| I dont have professional childcare experience however, i have raised and taken care of my sister, nephew anx nieces when they were young. I havd aldo taken care of my own daughter from birth, she is now 8years old. In that case i regard myself as knowledgeable in child ######.## you given a chance, i am s very fast learn and adjusts to rules snc regulations accordingly. Thank you.
... more
From £16 per hour \
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Childcare in North Norfolk

When do you need childcare?