Childcare in New Forest

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Emily B.
  • From £12 /hr
  • New Forest
A warm & energetic Psychology Graduate with childcare experience & a passion for little ones!
| I have recently completed my psychology degree at one of the leading university's in the UK. A large part of my course revolving around development of children, socially, mentally, emotionally and educationally etc. which makes me a very good person to welcome into your home, not only to make playing with your children fun and entertaining, but also stimulating for their growth! I have child care experience as well, as I worked in nurseries with children aged 2 months - 5 years old and therefore I am comfortable being able to think of creative entertainment for your child, whilst allowing you to be confident they are in safe hands! The job taught me how to adapt to children with all personality types and create games and activities to help them develop into their own person and enjoy each day in doing so! As for my own hobbies, I horse ride and create my own art work and photography, and am planning to start a Masters in Infancy and Early Childhood Development. I also love reading, listening to music, hanging out with friends and family and going for walks with my dogs!
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  • From £12 /hr
  • New Forest
A warm & energetic Psychology Graduate with childcare experience & a passion for little ones!
| I have recently completed my psychology degree at one of the leading university's in the UK. A large part of my course revolving around development of children, socially, mentally, emotionally and educationally etc. which makes me a very good person to welcome into your home, not only to make playing with your children fun and entertaining, but also stimulating for their growth! I have child care experience as well, as I worked in nurseries with children aged 2 months - 5 years old and therefore I am comfortable being able to think of creative entertainment for your child, whilst allowing you to be confident they are in safe hands! The job taught me how to adapt to children with all personality types and create games and activities to help them develop into their own person and enjoy each day in doing so! As for my own hobbies, I horse ride and create my own art work and photography, and am planning to start a Masters in Infancy and Early Childhood Development. I also love reading, listening to music, hanging out with friends and family and going for walks with my dogs!
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in New Forest

When do you need childcare?