Childcare in Kirklees

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When do you need childcare?
Elle F.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Kirklees
My name is Elle. I have some experience working in schools in the past.
| I don’t have much professional skills but have babysat for family/friends in the past and have worked in a primary school previously. I love kids and can’t wait to have my own. I have a younger sister myself and younger family members. I currently work full time 9-5 as a buyer for an IT company in Huddersfield (Buy It Direct) I am after some extra income and thought babysitting/child care would be the best for me.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Kirklees
My name is Elle. I have some experience working in schools in the past.
| I don’t have much professional skills but have babysat for family/friends in the past and have worked in a primary school previously. I love kids and can’t wait to have my own. I have a younger sister myself and younger family members. I currently work full time 9-5 as a buyer for an IT company in Huddersfield (Buy It Direct) I am after some extra income and thought babysitting/child care would be the best for me.
... more
From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Kirklees

When do you need childcare?