Childcare in Springburn

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When do you need childcare?
Sean S.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Springburn
I am mature, young and ready to help someone that needs some assistance
| I have had plenty of childcare experiences, from working with children in nurseries to primary school. I currently work in breakfast and after school clubs and have also studied childcare for the past 3 years at college. I am a very fun and enjoyable person to have around and always make sure that the children in my care have their needs met.
... more
  • From £9 /hr
  • Springburn
I am mature, young and ready to help someone that needs some assistance
| I have had plenty of childcare experiences, from working with children in nurseries to primary school. I currently work in breakfast and after school clubs and have also studied childcare for the past 3 years at college. I am a very fun and enjoyable person to have around and always make sure that the children in my care have their needs met.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Springburn

When do you need childcare?