Childcare in Swale

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Elizabeth S.
1 Verification
  • From £12 /hr
  • Swale
1 Verification
Good worker child needs
| Loads experience with kids was babysitting and Parent skills study level 1 child care course child Development
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Swale
Good worker child needs
| Loads experience with kids was babysitting and Parent skills study level 1 child care course child Development
... more
From £12 per hour \
little stars childminding
  • From £9 /hr
  • Swale
Little Stars childminding
| Hello, My name is Alice and have my own business called… ‘Little Star’s Childminding’ Before I become a childminder I worked in a playgroup I had been there since Feb 19 before this I worked in a nursery working with children aged 3months to 4 years. I had worked there for 4 n half years. I have completed my diploma in child development and a BTEC in information and communication technology within the sixth form at The Abbey School. I am a keen conscientious, hard working and reliable person, a good time keeper and enjoy meeting people. I get on well either on my own or as part of a team. I can adapt to any environment and would like to contribute to a childcare environment as this is where I see my future. I have completed my level 3 childcare and lots of courses + have now gained my qualification in Special Education Needs. I have two assistants that work alongside me.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Swale
Little Stars childminding
| Hello, My name is Alice and have my own business called… ‘Little Star’s Childminding’ Before I become a childminder I worked in a playgroup I had been there since Feb 19 before this I worked in a nursery working with children aged 3months to 4 years. I had worked there for 4 n half years. I have completed my diploma in child development and a BTEC in information and communication technology within the sixth form at The Abbey School. I am a keen conscientious, hard working and reliable person, a good time keeper and enjoy meeting people. I get on well either on my own or as part of a team. I can adapt to any environment and would like to contribute to a childcare environment as this is where I see my future. I have completed my level 3 childcare and lots of courses + have now gained my qualification in Special Education Needs. I have two assistants that work alongside me.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Swale

When do you need childcare?