Childcare in Walsall

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Eva H.
  • From £7 /hr
  • Walsall
Trustworthy babysitter.
| I am Level 3 qualified in childcare & early years. I have 6 years of experience working with children primary school aged between 0-11 years. I have also worked alongside a few SEN children and supported them during their education. I am a mother to a 3 & half year old who loves playing with other children her own age & also helping around with different activities. I could be available to pick up or drop off children within a certain radius. I would happily go on day trips with the child or sit & do some homework with them, encouraging them & supporting them. Weekend care I would take them on day trips for example, around the zoo or the farm. Or in the colder weather to indoor soft play in my area.
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  • From £7 /hr
  • Walsall
Trustworthy babysitter.
| I am Level 3 qualified in childcare & early years. I have 6 years of experience working with children primary school aged between 0-11 years. I have also worked alongside a few SEN children and supported them during their education. I am a mother to a 3 & half year old who loves playing with other children her own age & also helping around with different activities. I could be available to pick up or drop off children within a certain radius. I would happily go on day trips with the child or sit & do some homework with them, encouraging them & supporting them. Weekend care I would take them on day trips for example, around the zoo or the farm. Or in the colder weather to indoor soft play in my area.
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From £7 per hour \
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Childcare in Walsall

When do you need childcare?