Nannies in Walsall

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Amy S.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Walsall
Nanny/baby sitter looking for full or part time work
| I am an experienced nanny who has worked within 2 different family settings. I am patient hard working punctual and can help with tuition for older ########.### first family I worked for was in the south of France. I mainly looked after an 8 month old baby until she was 18 months. I also often looked after the 2 older girls who were 7 and 10. I did school pick ups and often worked whole days cooking, cleaning and looking after all 3 children. My second job was looking after a 2 year old boy. I would read to him, change nappies, cook his meals, take him out for the day to the park and to other activities. This was part time normally for 20 hours a week
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Walsall
Nanny/baby sitter looking for full or part time work
| I am an experienced nanny who has worked within 2 different family settings. I am patient hard working punctual and can help with tuition for older ########.### first family I worked for was in the south of France. I mainly looked after an 8 month old baby until she was 18 months. I also often looked after the 2 older girls who were 7 and 10. I did school pick ups and often worked whole days cooking, cleaning and looking after all 3 children. My second job was looking after a 2 year old boy. I would read to him, change nappies, cook his meals, take him out for the day to the park and to other activities. This was part time normally for 20 hours a week
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From £10 per hour \
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Nannies in Walsall

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