Special Needs Care in Spruce Grove

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Samantha M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Reliable and Friendly Caregiver
| I am a 25 year old who love to care for people, I am great with children and animals alike. I have been a member of Girl Guides sine I was 8 years old and continued as a leader for 6 years. I have my standered first aid and a spotless PRC with Venerable person cheek. I love to have fun but know when a more firm hand is needed. I get along with everyone I meet. I have care for children and adults alike l. I have had experience with a few disabilities and if i haven't im more then happy to learn and spend my own time finding ways to work with any disability.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Reliable and Friendly Caregiver
| I am a 25 year old who love to care for people, I am great with children and animals alike. I have been a member of Girl Guides sine I was 8 years old and continued as a leader for 6 years. I have my standered first aid and a spotless PRC with Venerable person cheek. I love to have fun but know when a more firm hand is needed. I get along with everyone I meet. I have care for children and adults alike l. I have had experience with a few disabilities and if i haven't im more then happy to learn and spend my own time finding ways to work with any disability.
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From $15 per hour \
Rosalie C.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Experienced Program Coordinator looking to support individuals along with their families.
| Hello, my name is Rose and I have been working with special needs individuals for many years. I have worked with children, youth and adults. My passion is to support and assist with ensuring all individuals have the opportunity to live their best lives! Previously worked as a Program Coordinator for an agency that supported families outside of the family home. Looking to expand the option for families to have care within their home, my home or out in the community- which ever works best for the individual and their family.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Experienced Program Coordinator looking to support individuals along with their families.
| Hello, my name is Rose and I have been working with special needs individuals for many years. I have worked with children, youth and adults. My passion is to support and assist with ensuring all individuals have the opportunity to live their best lives! Previously worked as a Program Coordinator for an agency that supported families outside of the family home. Looking to expand the option for families to have care within their home, my home or out in the community- which ever works best for the individual and their family.
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From $20 per hour \
Teri L.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Enthusiastic and active lady looking to do private care for your special family member.
| I previously worked for an agency that provided respite to families with children and adults with disabilities. I also have an adult son with disabilities. I am looking to do private care in your home, in my home, or in the community. I am comfortable with personal care, taking your family member on outings in the community, and would love to help them learn social skills, life skills etc. I am very active and would love to be active with them. This includes swimming, biking, walking, soccer, hockey, anything that would make them happy.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Enthusiastic and active lady looking to do private care for your special family member.
| I previously worked for an agency that provided respite to families with children and adults with disabilities. I also have an adult son with disabilities. I am looking to do private care in your home, in my home, or in the community. I am comfortable with personal care, taking your family member on outings in the community, and would love to help them learn social skills, life skills etc. I am very active and would love to be active with them. This includes swimming, biking, walking, soccer, hockey, anything that would make them happy.
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From $18 per hour \
Sharon H.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
LPN/Paramedic with 17 years of hospital and ambulance experience.
| Working in hospitals and on ambulance crew since 2002. Extensive medical training and experience.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
LPN/Paramedic with 17 years of hospital and ambulance experience.
| Working in hospitals and on ambulance crew since 2002. Extensive medical training and experience.
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From $20 per hour \
Aysha C.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Lethbridge
Hey i'm Aysha! Im in my second year of University and am 21 years old
| In high school it was mandatory for us to work along with disability kids and I got along and had so much fun with all of the kids and it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life and as well as being a camp counsellor and having a variety and diversity of kids with a diversity of disability as well was a huge learning curve for me, but I learned so much from them and I just get so much joy helping and playing with kids makes me feel needed and makes me feel like im making a change in someones life. I would mostly figure out activities to do with the kids whom I have worked with that could be going out activity or getting a group together and playing games or even watching a movie.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Lethbridge
Hey i'm Aysha! Im in my second year of University and am 21 years old
| In high school it was mandatory for us to work along with disability kids and I got along and had so much fun with all of the kids and it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life and as well as being a camp counsellor and having a variety and diversity of kids with a diversity of disability as well was a huge learning curve for me, but I learned so much from them and I just get so much joy helping and playing with kids makes me feel needed and makes me feel like im making a change in someones life. I would mostly figure out activities to do with the kids whom I have worked with that could be going out activity or getting a group together and playing games or even watching a movie.
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From $17 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Spruce Grove is between $18 and $24
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Stony Plain
1 Verification
A Not for Profit Organisation dedicated to SERVE
| Bridge to Care Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with our corporate office based in Spruce Grove, AB with branches in Edmonton and Red Deer and been providing health care and support for a variety of needs in rural areas of Alberta. We are different because we offer a broader variety of services than other agencies. A simple list of provided services is to imply that these are finite, and mutually exclusive, whereas this is seldom the case in health care. We consider our services a very broad form of respite and community aid (in itself, a form of respite for society). Specialised attention includes care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, neurological disorders and other needs, persons of all ages with developmental disorders, nursing care for a variety of needs such as seniors care and dementia care, assistance and support through the various stages of pregnancy and childbirth, for accident victims, and other extensions in support of the community to address domestic violence and homelessness issues. We have clients that are supported from as little as one hour a week up to 24/7 dedication.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Stony Plain
A Not for Profit Organisation dedicated to SERVE
| Bridge to Care Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with our corporate office based in Spruce Grove, AB with branches in Edmonton and Red Deer and been providing health care and support for a variety of needs in rural areas of Alberta. We are different because we offer a broader variety of services than other agencies. A simple list of provided services is to imply that these are finite, and mutually exclusive, whereas this is seldom the case in health care. We consider our services a very broad form of respite and community aid (in itself, a form of respite for society). Specialised attention includes care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, neurological disorders and other needs, persons of all ages with developmental disorders, nursing care for a variety of needs such as seniors care and dementia care, assistance and support through the various stages of pregnancy and childbirth, for accident victims, and other extensions in support of the community to address domestic violence and homelessness issues. We have clients that are supported from as little as one hour a week up to 24/7 dedication.
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From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Spruce Grove

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